Step-by-step Guide for Temporary Visa Holders to visit Australia

Immigration News


On 21 February 2022, Australia reopened its border to remaining, fully vaccinated, temporary visa holders, including Visitor and Bridging Visa B holders, as part of our step-by-step and safe reopening to the world.

This graduated and safe reopening is a result of the success Australia, and Australians, have achieved through the vaccine rollout and in implementing the National Transition Plan.

Having supported the reunion of families, and Australia’s economic recovery through the return to skilled and unskilled migration, and international students, it is now time to open Australia’s doors to all remaining fully vaccinated visa holders.

All visa holders who are fully vaccinated in accordance with Australia’s international border entry requirements will be able to travel to Australia without needing a travel exemption.

Unvaccinated passengers are still able to travel to Australia under agreed passenger caps established with the states and territories. Unvaccinated passengers will need to be either in an exempt category, hold an individual travel exemption to enter Australia, or will need to provide evidence that there is a medical reason that they cannot be vaccinated (medical contraindication). It is important to note that previous infection with COVID-19 is not considered to be a medical contraindication for a COVID-19 vaccine.


Passenger caps and quarantine requirements for unvaccinated travellers will remain in effect, and all incoming travellers will still need to comply with the quarantine requirements of the state or territory of their arrival, and any other state or territory to which they plan to travel.

The vaccination requirement for all passengers, regardless of nationality, to access exemption free and quarantine-free arrangements has remained unchanged since 1 November 2021, when the Australian Government enabled exemption-free travel for fully vaccinated Australian citizens, permanent residents, and their immediate family.

The definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ for the purposes of Australia’s international border entry requirements will still rely on the advice from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), individuals aged 12 or over, must have received a complete two doses of a TGA approved or recognised vaccine to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ (or one dose, for the Janssen vaccine).  


International travellers who arrive into Australia are encouraged to access Australia’s booster vaccination program if they choose.


Entering Australia by air​

Follow the steps below to enter Australia by air.


Step 1

Before you book your travel

Check your visa requirements

Do not try to travel to Australia without a valid visa. You can use our visa finder to explore visa options.


Step 2

Check your vaccination requirements

Your vaccination status will determine what you need to do to enter Australia.

Check to see if you meet Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes.

If you do not meet these requirements, you must follow the steps for unvaccinated travellers.

Temporary Visa holders who arrive in Australia may have their visa cancelled and be detained and removed if they:

  • are not fully vaccinated for international travel purposes in accordance with Australia’s border entry requirements; or
  • do not have a medical contraindication to a COVID-19 vaccine as defined by the Australian Government; or
  • are not in an exempt category or hold an individual travel exemption.

Airlines may also have specific requirements that you need to meet.


Step 3

Obtain your vaccination certificate

If you were vaccinated in Australia, you may obtain an International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (ICVC).

If you were vaccinated overseas and do not have an ICVC, you must obtain a foreign vaccination certificate that meets Australia’s requirements.


Step 4

Check state and territory arrival requirements

Before you book your flight, check state and territory arrival requirements. This may include border entry registration forms or quarantine.

Check all the states and territories you will transit and travel to. The requirements may change at short notice. 

You are responsible for complying with travel restrictions and requirements that apply to you. If you do not comply, you may face serious penalties, including imprisonment and significant fines.


Step 5

Complete your Digital Passenger Declaration

You can start your Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) up to seven days before your flight, but you must submit it before you depart for Australia.

The DPD requests critical health information. Providing this information is an enforceable requirement. It will help ensure you don’t experience unnecessary delays at the airport, or when you arrive in Australia. 


Step 6

Prepare your documents for the airport

When you check in for your flight, you will be asked by airline staff to present your:

  • passport
  • boarding pass
  • visa
  • evidence that you meet Australia's definition of fully vaccinated for international travel purposes
  • completed DPD.

All passengers arriving by air into Australia should ​​complete the Digital Passenger Declaration

You can start a DPD seven days before your flight, but you must submit it before you depart for Australia.​


Step 7

Meet the entry requirements for Australia

This includes immigration, customs and biosecurity clearance.


Step 8

Meet state and territory arrival requirements

Some states and territories require you to take a COVID-19 test soon after you arrive in Australia.

You should check this and any other requirements for all the states and territories you will travel to and transit.



Email: service@noborders-group.com

Tel:  +61 7 3876 4000

Consultation:  https://www.noborders-group.com/form/free-consultation


We will help you by exploring visa options and securing application. As part of our services, we will assess the eligibility of the application for a partner visa and help you to get out of the abusive relationship and provide you with detailed advice on your chances of success. If you would like to discuss your visa options and evaluate the pathway to permanent residency, please make an enquiry  or  book a consultation to get expert advice with one of our knowledgeable and experienced Migration Agents/Lawyers on 07 3876 4000 or email: service@noborders-group.com.



Retrieved from:https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/what-we-do/skilled-migration-program/skilled-visa-newsletters/march-2022


Author: No Borders Webmaster             Readers: 2259