New South Wales Skilled Nominated Skills List for 2022-2023 Updated

Immigration News


The New South Wales (NSW) Skilled Nominated Skills List was updated on 7 September 2022. There is now, new minimum point scores and years of skilled work experience requirements in the 2022-23 financial year: https://www.nsw.gov.au/visas-and-migration/skilled-visas/nsw-skills-lists.


Should I Apply for Subclass 190 or Subclass 491?

Below is a summary table for easy comparison of the Skilled Migrant Visa Options: Subclass 190 - Skilled Nominated visa and Subclass 491 - Skilled Work Regional.

Eligibility for NSW Nomination


Subclass 190

Skilled Nominated visa


Subclass 491

Skilled Work Regional


Meet all visa requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs for this subclass.


Meet all visa requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs for this subclass.

Allows nominated skilled workers live and work in Australia as permanent residents.





Allows skilled migrants to live, study and work in designated regional areas for 5 years.





Skilled in an occupation within an ANZSCO unit group listed on the NSW Skilled Nominated Skills List; AND


Eligible to apply for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)




Skilled in an occupation within an ANZSCO unit group listed on the NSW Skilled Nominated Skills List; AND


Eligible to apply for eligible for the Skilled Work visa (subclass 491)





Must be either currently living in NSW or offshore, and have continuously done so for a minimum period of 6 months.


Must be either currently living in NSW or offshore, and have continuously done so for a minimum period of 3 months.


Work Experience and point score


Must meet the minimum skilled work experience and point score for your unit group per the NSW Skilled Nominated Skills List.




Must meet the minimum skilled work experience and point score for your unit group per the NSW Skilled Nominated Skills List.




Nomination Pathway

1 Pathway:


Pathway 1 - Be invited by Investment NSW


2 Pathways:


Pathway 1 - Apply directly to an RDA (Regional Development Australia) office


Pathway 2 – Be invited by Investment NSW

Invitation Round

Invitation rounds occur ongoing throughout the financial year. There are no set dates, and rounds are not announced beforehand. 

Applications closed


RDA offices will begin accepting applications under Pathway 1 and invitation rounds for Pathway 2 will commence shortly after the NSW Skills list is finalised. There is no set timeframe when this will occur at this time.


Invitation rounds occur ongoing throughout the financial year. There are no set dates, and rounds are not announced beforehand.



My occupation is on the NSW Skilled Nominated Skills List, will I be invited to apply?

There is no guarantee that you will be invited to apply for the NSW nomination by meeting the minimum nomination requirements. It is extremely competitive, that the NSW government encourages any applicant seeking NSW nomination to explore all other migration pathways.


How can we help you?

The team of lawyers and migration agents at NB Migration Law has 20+ years of experience with the EOI, nomination and visa application process. We could also potentially map out an alternative visa option or few alternative pathways for you and your family to stay or come to Australia, depending on your circumstances and eligibility.


If you would like to find out your visa option/s to stay or come to Australia, please do not hesitate to reach out and speak with the NB Migration Law team: https://www.noborders-group.com/contact or https://www.noborders-group.com/form/free-consultation/



Article prepared by Daryl Hamley, migration lawyer at NB Migration Law




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