New ANZSCO Occupations 2022

Immigration News


The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifications of Occupations (ANZSCO) has been amended to include an array of new and existing occupations to better reflect the changing Australian labour market. Visa applicants can use these occupations to obtain a skills assessment and pursue permanent residency.

The changes were identified by the National Skills Commission back in 2020. The Commission identified six industries with new and emerging occupations these are:

  • 1. Data Analytics (Data Analysts, Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Data Architects);
  • 2. Health (Respiratory Therapist, Nurse Liaisons, Biostatistician);
  • 3. Emerging Business Practices (Agile Coaches, DevOps Engineers, Logistics Analysts);
  • 4. Regulatory (Risk Analysts, Regulatory Affairs Specialists, Energy Auditors, Compensation and Benefits Analysts);
  • 5. Sustainability Engineering and Trades (Solar Installers, Energy Efficiency Engineers, Wind Turbine Technicians, Hazardous Materials Labourers); and
  • 6. Digital Deepening (Digital Marketing Specialists, Social Media Specialists, User Experience Analysts)


Please note that not all of the occupations mentioned above may be accessible for migration purposes at this stage. However, some of the new brand-new occupations from the above categories include:

  • 1. Regulatory Affairs Manager (1399917);
  • 2. Data Analyst (224114);
  • 3. Data Scientist (224115);
  • 4. Supply Chain Analyst (224714);
  • 5. Fire Protection Plumber (334117); and
  • 6. Furniture Maker (394113).


The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the move towards a greener, automated, and more data-focused economy. Businesses were forced to move online, adapt and create new service offerings to retain and attract new customers.

The federal government aims to reduce administrative and

A complete list of all the changes is available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website. (https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/classifications/anzsco-australian-and-new-zealand-standard-classification-occupations/latest-release)


Talk to the migration team at No Borders Law Group today.

Email: service@noborders-group.com

Tel:  +61 7 3876 4000

Consultation:  https://www.noborders-group.com/form/free-consultation

Author: No Borders Webmaster             Readers: 5092