Do you know FREE Skills Assessment are now available for eligible applicants in Australia?

Immigration News



Are you an onshore migrant who has not had a skills assessment before? You may be eligible for a free, fast-tracked skills assessment that could improve your employment opportunities.


FREE Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants for onshore migrants

To assist with Australia’s economic recovery from the impact of COVID‑19 and to fill skills shortages, the Australian Government has introduced Incentive 2 - Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants for onshore migrants who have not had a skills assessment and have the qualifications, skills and/or experience in a priority occupation.


The Australian Government is offering Incentive 2 - Skills Assessment Opportunities for Migrants to migrants who are residing in Australia and are on a permanent family, partner, refugee or humanitarian visa.

The incentive offers a free, fast-tracked skills assessment for migrants with unrecognised skills in priority occupations. Applicants who receive a suitable outcome in their assessment can use this to improve their employment options in their nominated occupation, through improved employer confidence that the applicant has the skills necessary for working in an Australian workplace.


Am I eligible for a free, fast-tracked skills assessment?

You may be eligible if you:

  • can apply for a skills assessment in a priority occupation on or after 28 February 2022,
  • have not previously undergone a skills assessment for the nominated occupation,
  • are residing in Australia at the time you submit your skills assessment application, and
  • are in Australia on a permanent family, partner, humanitarian or refugee visa that was granted on or after 1 January 2019 (eligible visa types are listed below).


How much does it cost?

This incentive is free.

What else do I need to know?

  • The incentive commences on 28 February 2022 and finishes in June 2023.
  • If you receive a suitable outcome from your fast-tracked skills assessment, in 6 and 12 months, you may be asked to complete a short survey about your employment outcomes. The department will use this information to inform future migrant skills assessment policy.
  • Assessing Authorities will complete your skills assessment in around 15 business days from the time it receives all necessary documentation from applicants.
  • If your assessment is deemed not suitable, the Assessing Authority will give you information about training opportunities to help you gain the skills and experience required for the Australian job market.

Which visa types are eligible?

Visa categories

Visa subclasses eligible for Incentive 2 - SAOM

Family and partner visas

·             Adoption visa (subclass 102)

·             Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 114) 

·             Aged Dependent Relative visa (subclass 838) 

·             Aged Parent visa (subclass 804)

·             Carer visa (subclass 836)

·             Carer visa (subclass 116)

·             Child visa (subclass 101)

·             Child visa (subclass 802)

·             Contributory Aged Parent visa (subclass 864)

·             Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143)

·             Orphan Relative (subclass 117)

·             Orphan Relative (subclass 837)

·             Parent visa (subclass 103) 

·             Partner visa (subclass 100)

·             Partner visa (subclass 801)

·             Remaining Relative visa (subclass 115)

·             Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835)

·             Interdependency (subclass 110 and 814)

·             Designated Parent (subclass 118 and 859)

Refugee and humanitarian visas

·             Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)

·             Protection visa (subclass 866)

·             Refugee visas (subclass 200, 201, 203 and 204)

Do you want to find out more?


Need help with getting Australian Visas or Visa Appealing?


Email: service@noborders-group.com

Tel:  +61 (07) 3876 4000

Consultation:  https://www.noborders-group.com/form/free-consultation


We will help you by exploring visa options and securing applications. We will assess the eligibility of the application for a partner visa, and provide you with detailed advice on your chances of success. If you would like to discuss your visa options and evaluate the pathway to permanent residency, please make an enquiry or book a consultation to get expert advice with one of our knowledgeable and experienced Migration Agents/Lawyers on 07 3876 4000 or email: service@noborders-group.com

Author: No Borders Webmaster             Readers: 3203