Are you applying for NSW skilled nomination? Common questions about skilled visas

Immigration News


Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)


I’ve been nominated by NSW previously, am I eligible to be nominated again? 

No. Once you are nominated by NSW, you lose eligibility to be nominated again for any skilled visa.


This includes:

  • where you could not accept your nomination because there was incorrect information in your SkillSelect EOI — it is the EOI owner's responsibility to ensure they are able to apply to Home Affairs for the visa if nominated
  • if you do not apply to Home Affairs for the visa and your nomination expires, and where
  • you were nominated in a previous financial year 


How long are invitation links valid for?

NSW invitation links are valid for 14 days. You must apply to NSW within this time.


What if I do not see my invitation email?

NSW send invitations from noreply@salesforce.comlaunch on behalf of skilled.migration@investment.nsw.gov.aulaunch. Make sure these email addresses are not blocked by your spam filter. 

NSW only issue one invitation per EOI number. If you are invited, but do not apply, you need to submit a new EOI in SkillSelect to be considered again in a later invitation round. Because this selection process is highly competitive, we cannot guarantee you will receive another invitation at a later date. 


Is my occupation eligible for NSW nomination? 

To be considered, you must hold a valid skills assessment for an occupation that is both eligible for the visa and falls within an ANZSCO unit group identified on NSW list.  


For example, the ANZSCO unit group '2523 – Dental Practitioners' includes two occupations: 

  • 252311 Dental Specialist, and 
  • 252312 Dentist 

The occupation '252311 Dental Specialist' is eligible for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190); however, the occupation '252312 Dentist' is not. 


This means that only EOIs submitted in the occupation '252311 Dental Specialist' will be considered for NSW nomination during an invitation round even though both occupations fall under the same ANZSCO unit group that appears on our list.   


This is because NSW cannot nominate EOIs in occupations not eligible for the visa.  

Visit the Home Affairs  website to confirm your occupation is eligible for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) before you obtain a skills assessment.


Am I eligible if I reside offshore? 

NSW considers EOIs submitted by people residing offshore in select ANZSCO unit groups.


See  NSW skilled occupation lists page for information about which ANZSCO unit groups are eligible.


To be eligible as an offshore applicant, you must have continuously resided offshore for the past three months. If you are invited to apply before this time, you are not eligible to accept your invitation.    


How do I prove my residency? 

To prove your residency you must provide: 

  • bank statements for a minimum six months from your main transaction account showing your salary and everyday transactions 


In addition to following documents (as applicable to you): 

  • rental or lease agreements 
  • utility bills, e.g. gas, water etc 
  • other bills, e.g. phone, internet etc 
  • driver’s licenses or proof of age cards


Do I need to be currently employed in NSW?

No. You are not required to be currently working (or have previously worked) in NSW in your nominated (or closely related) occupation to be eligible for nomination.   


What is the work experience requirement? 

Some occupations now require you to have a minimum three years work experience in your nominated (or closely related) occupation. These include all occupations within ANZSCO unit groups identified with a tick (✔) on our NSW skilled occupation lists page. 

This applies to all SkillSelect EOIs regardless of when they were submitted or amended.

This work experience must be deemed skilled and a minimum 20 hours per week—see below for information about what employment you are eligible to claim. The employment does not need to have occurred in NSW.  


Does the work experience requirement apply to onshore applicants?

Yes. The work experience requirement for some ANZSCO unit groups applies to all submitted EOIs.


Should I claim all my employment in my SkillSelect EOI? 

You should only claim employment that is recognised as 'skilled', i.e. employment that is closely related to your nominated occupation, and after you met the minimum benchmark to be considered skilled in your occupation. 


For the purposes of NSW nomination, you are only eligible to claim skilled employment after the date you have been deemed skilled on your skills assessment. Claiming employment before this date may result in your application being declined by NSW.  


If you are unsure if your employment is at the relevant skill level of your nominated occupation, you may wish to have your employment assessed by the relevant skills assessing authority. 



I'm claiming points for skilled employment 

For the purpose of NSW nomination, you must provide an ACS 'skills assessment', and your employment must be assessed by ACS. You can only claim points for employment after the date ACS deems you skilled in your occupation.  

You cannot provide an ACS 'post-Australian study assessment' if you are claiming points for employment.  


I'm not claiming points for skilled employment 

You can provide any ACS assessment accepted by Home Affairs. 


For the purpose of NSW nomination, you can only claim points for employment that 

  • is after the date ACS deems you are skilled in your occupation (as listed on your ACS 'skills assessment'), and; 
  • ACS considers to be at an appropriately skilled level and relevant to your occupation 


If you have claimed points for skilled employment in your EOI, you must be able to provide an ACS skills assessment that identifies the date your employment is considered to equate to an appropriately skilled level. 


If your ACS skills assessment does not identify this date, or has not been assessed as suitable, you are not able to claim points for skilled employment for the purposes of NSW nomination. 


How do I show evidence for skilled employment after I obtained my skills assessment? 

If you have a valid skills assessment, which has assessed your skilled employment, you do not need to obtain a new assessment for ongoing employment after you obtained your assessment.  

You can demonstrate your further skilled employment by providing evidence including:  

  • employment contract  
  • employment reference letter detailing the duration of your employment, the hours worked per week and duties performed 
  • payslips, and 
  • your letter of offer 


What are the fees for NSW nomination? 

If you are invited to apply for NSW nomination, a non-refundable application fee of A$330 applies. 


Need help with visa application?


Email: service@noborders-group.com

Tel:  +61 (07) 3876 4000

Consultation:  https://www.noborders-group.com/form/free-consultation


We will help you by exploring visa options and securing application. As part of our services, we will assess the eligibility of the application for a partner visa and help you to get out of the abusive relationship and provide you with detailed advice on your chances of success. If you would like to discuss your visa options and evaluate the pathway to permanent residency, please make an enquiry  or  book a consultation to get expert advice with one of our knowledgeable and experienced Migration Agents/Lawyers on 07 3876 4000 or email: service@noborders-group.com.



© State of New South Wales. For current information go to www.nsw.gov.au.
We also request that you observe and retain any copyright or related notices that may accompany this material as part of the attribution.

Commonwealth of Australia;

Department of Home affairs


Author: No Borders Webmaster             Readers: 6660